Announcing the 2016 CBCA Book of the Year Notables

Links to reviews on Reading Time | PDF version for easy printing – 2016 CBCA BOYA Notables List MEDIA RELEASE

Book of the Year: Older Readers NB: These books are for mature readers

Title ISBN Author Publisher
A Small Madness 9781760110789 Touchell, Dianne Allen & Unwin
Cloudwish 9781743533123 Wood, Fiona Pan Macmillan Australia
For the Forest of a Bird 9780143571780 Saliba, Sue Penguin Random House
Freedom Ride 9781925126365 Lawson, Sue Walker Books
In the Skin of a Monster 9781760111717 Barker, Kathryn Allen & Unwin
Inbetween Days 9781922182364 Wakefield, Vikki Text Publishing
Newt’s Emerald 9781760112653 Nix, Garth Allen & Unwin
One True Thing 9780857986887 Hayes, Nicole Penguin Random House
Rich & Rare 9781925272116 Collins, Paul (Ed.) Ford Street Publishing
Talk Under Water 9780702253690 Lomer, Kathryn University of Queensland Press
The Beauty is in the Walking 9780732299941 Moloney, James HarperCollins
The Flywheel 9781742978178 Gough, Erin Hardie Grant Egmont
The Guy, The Girl, The Artist and His Ex 9781743319550 Williams, Gabrielle Allen & Unwin
The Pause 9780857981707 Larkin, John Penguin Random House
The River and the Book 9781925081725 Croggon, Alison Walker Books Australia
A Single Stone 9781925081701 McKinlay, Meg Walker Books Australia

Book of the Year: Younger Readers

Title ISBN Author Illustrator Publisher
300 Minutes of Danger 9781760154035 Heath, Jack Scholastic Australia
Bella and the Wandering House 9781925162301 McKinlay, Meg Fremantle Press
Bridget: a New Australian 9781742990989 Moloney, James Omnibus Books
Helix and the Arrival
Second review of Helix and the arrival
9780857986535 Posner, Damean Faber, Jules Random House Australia
Molly and Pim and the Millions of Stars 9781925240085 Murray, Martine Text Publishing
Run, Pip, Run 9781743319222 Jones, J.C. Allen & Unwin
Shadows of the Master 9781742990620 Rodda, Emily Omnibus Books
Sister Heart 9781925163131 Morgan, Sally Fremantle Press
Soon 9780670078875 Gleitzman, Morris Penguin Random House
The 65-Storey Treehouse 9781743533222 Griffiths, Andy Denton, Terry Pan Macmillan Australia
The Cleo Stories: A Friend and a Pet 9781743315286 Gleeson, Libby Blackwood, Freya Allen & Unwin
The Cut Out 9781760111984 Heath, Jack Allen & Unwin
The Fourteenth Summer of Angus Jack 9780733334436 Storer, Jen Gifford, Lucinda ABC Books
The Hush Treasure Book 9781760112790 Tayleur, Karen (Ed.) Allen & Unwin


Book of the Year: Early Childhood

Title ISBN Author Illustrator Publisher
Alfie’s Lost Sharkie 9781742839929 Walker, Anna Walker, Anna Scholastic Press
As Big As You 9781743629697 Acton, Sara Acton, Sara Scholastic Press
Bogtrotter 9781921977558 Wild, Margaret Rossell, Judith Walker Books
Frog Finds A Place 9781742990231 Morgan, Sally and Kwaymullina, Ezekiel Leffler, Dub Omnibus Books
Hop Up! Wriggle Over! 9781743319987 Honey, Elizabeth Honey, Elizabeth Allen & Unwin
I Need A Hug 9781743629093 Blabey, Aaron Blabey, Aaron Scholastic Press
I’m a Hungry Dinosaur 9780670078103 Brian, Janeen James, Ann Penguin Random House
Meep 9780992288723 Geppert, Andy Geppert, Andy Tiny Owl Workshop
Mr Huff 9780670078042 Walker, Anna Walker, Anna Penguin Random House
My Dog Bigsy 9780670078936 Lester, Alison Lester, Alison Penguin Random House
Ollie and the Wind 9780857988485 Ronojoy, Ghosh Ronojoy, Ghosh Random House Australia
Perfect 9781921894848 Parker, Danny Blackwood, Freya Little Hare
Pig the Fibber
Second review Pig the Fibber
9781743629062 Blabey, Aaron Blabey, Aaron Scholastic Press
Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas 9781743625781 Blabey, Aaron Blabey, Aaron Scholastic Press
Puddles are for Jumping 9781922081490 Dunstan, Kylie Dunstan, Kylie Windy Hollow Books
Small and Big 9781922081476 Collum, Karen Wood, Ben Windy Hollow Books
The Cow Tripped Over The Moon

Second review

9781743623534 Wilson, Tony Wood, Laura Scholastic Press
The Very Noisy Bear

Second review

9781743627853 Bland, Nick Bland, Nick Scholastic Press
This & That

Second review

9781743622537 Fox, Mem Horacek, Judy Scholastic Australia
This is a Ball 9780733334351 Stanton, Beck and Matt Stanton, Beck and Matt ABC Books
Thunderstorm Dancing 9781743314593 Germein, Katrina Watson, Judy Allen & Unwin
Too Busy Sleeping 9781742979625 Louise, Zanni Pignataro, Anna Little Hare
What Do You Wish For? 9780670078110 Godwin, Jane Walker, Anna Penguin Random House


Picture Book of the Year
Some of these books may be for mature readers. Arranged by illustrator

Title ISBN Illustrator Author Publisher
Adelaide’s Secret World 9781743313350 Hurst, Elise Hurst, Elise Allen & Unwin
And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda 9781743317051 Whatley, Bruce Bogle, Eric Allen & Unwin
Bob the Railway Dog 9781922179890 McLean, Andrew Fenton, Corinne Walker Books
Eye to Eye 9780670078592 Base, Graeme Base, Graeme Penguin Random House
Flight 9781922081483 Greder, Armin Wheatley, Nadia Windy Hollow Books
How the Sun got to Coco’s House 9781406359008 Graham, Bob Graham, Bob Walker Books
In the Evening 9781742975283 Chapman, Gaye Wyatt, Edwina Hardie Grant Egmont, Little Hare
Lara of Newtown 9781760112325 McKimmie, Chris McKimmie, Chris Allen & Unwin
Mr Huff 9780670078042 Walker, Anna Walker, Anna Penguin Random House
My Dead Bunny 9781922179593 Foley, James Cohen, Sigi Walker Books Australia
My Gallipoli 9781921504761 Hannaford, Robert Starke, Ruth Working Title Press
Numerical Street 9781742232287 Pesenti, Antonia Bell, Hilary NewSouth Publishing
One Step at a Time 9780987380951 Heinrich, Sally Jolly, Jane MidnightSun Publishing
Perfect 9781921894848 Blackwood, Freya Parker, Danny Little Hare
Platypus 9781922077448 Jackson, Mark Whiting, Sue Walker Books
Ride, Ricardo, Ride!

Second review

9781742990736 Devries, Shane Cummings, Phil Omnibus Books
Suri’s Wall 9780670077755 Ottley, Matt Estela, Lucy Penguin Random House
Teacup 9781743623848 Ottley, Matt Young, Rebecca Scholastic Press
The Eagle Inside 9781742974699 Bancroft, Bronwyn Manning-Bancroft, Jack Little Hare
What’s Up MuMu? 9780007463091 Mackintosh, David Mackintosh, David HarperCollins
Where’s Jessie? 9780642278753 Spudvilas, Anne Janeen, Brian NLA Publishing
Why I Love Footy 9780670077878 Jellett, Tom Wagner, Michael Penguin Random House


Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
NB: These books are intended for an audience birth to 18 years.

Title ISBN Author Illustrator Publisher
A is for Australia 9781922179760 Lessac, Frané Lessac, Frané Walker Books Australia
Alice’s Food A-Z 9781922179388 Zaslavsky, Alice Chadwick, Kat Walker Books Australia
Ancestry: Stories of Multicultural Anzacs 9780992583927 Siers, Robyn and Walker, Carlie Department of Veterans’ Affairs
Anzac Sons: Five Brothers on the Western Front 9781925275148 Paterson, Allison Marlow Big Sky Publishing
Atmospheric: The Burning Story of Climate Change 9781925126372 Wilkinson, Carole Black Dog Books, Walker Books Australia
Australian Kids Through the Years 9780642278593 McCartney, Tania Joyner, Andrew NLA Publishing
Green Tree Frogs 9781922081421 Kendell, Sandra Kendell, Sandra Windy Hollow Books
Lennie The Legend: Solo to Sydney by Pony 9780642278654 Reeder, Stephanie Owen NLA Publishing
My Gallipoli 9781921504761 Starke, Ruth Hannaford, Robert Working Title Press
Phasmid: Saving the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect 9781486301126 Cleave, Rohan Tulloch, Coral CSIRO Publishing
Prehistoric Marine Life in Australia’s Inland Sea 9781921833168 Clode, Danielle Museum Victoria
The Amazing True Story of How Babies Are Made 9780733333880 Katauskas, Fiona Katauskas, Fiona ABC Books
The Girl From The Great Sandy Desert 9781922142054 Chuguna, Jukuna Mona and Lowe, Pat Street, Mervyn Magabala Books
The White Mouse: The Story of Nancy Wake 9781742990910 Gouldthorpe, Peter Gouldthorpe, Peter Omnibus Books
We are the Rebels: the Men and Women who Made Eureka 9781922182784 Wright, Clare Text Publishing


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