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The Children’s Book Council of Australia
Reading Time
Level 2 State Library of Queensland
Stanley Place, South Brisbane 4101

To submit your book for review by Reading Time, please send the book with a cover note including publication date, retail price, themes covered in the book and an author bio, to the address above.  

Books submitted for review cannot be delivered to a physical address or returned to the author.

Our acceptance of a book for review purposes does not guarantee a review will be published if the book is assessed as unsuitable for review by the Reviews Editor.

Editorial Policy

Reading Time Online reviewers include teachers, teacher librarians, academics, parents and young people. They are passionate advocates for children’s literature, with their own experiences and knowledge. They are generally writing reviews for adults who purchase books for young readers.

The reviews are often personal, and reviewers sometimes consider the reactions of young family members to the stories. Personal pronouns in the reviews are appropriate and acceptable.

We remain independent and separate from CBCA, and present reviews that are not subject to bias. Furthermore, the reviews published on this site are those of the individual reviewers and are not necessarily those of Reading Time Online or the CBCA.

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