Pig the Fibber


Aaron Blabey,  Pig the Fibber,  Scholastic, 1 May 2015,  28pp.,  $16.99 (hbk),  ISBN 9781743629062

I adore everything about this second adventure of Pig the Pug who would ‘often tell lies just to get his own way’. What’s more he cleverly ensures that delightful but dim dachshund Trevor, always gets the blame. Every scene is a delight because both characters are so strong on the page with a heady mixture of humour, innocence, evil intent, chaos and mayhem.  Picking a favourite page is almost impossible – is it Pig grinning wildly while dancing in a hula skirt revealing every one of his impressive rolls of fat? Pig grinning evilly as he pushes a bemused Trevor forward to take the blame for yet another atrocity? No, it has to be where Pig realises that there is a bowling bowl lurking behind the treats he is trying to steal and it is rolling right at him!

Children who know Pig are thrilled to see another adventure and people, adults, children; even babies enjoy Pig’s antics. Blabey’s simple rhyming story is brief and to the point.  If you want a moral you could talk about greed being punished or look even deeper and see sibling rivalry in the relationship between Pig and Trevor. Blabey has, as is his wont, used lots of white space to keep the reader focused on his characters. The artwork is expressive, emotions are exaggerated, always adding more to the story. The bowling ball on the title page gives nothing away, just sits there looking innocent until it becomes the mighty instrument of justice and retribution at the end.  Great fun. Great book. Recommended.

reviewed by Mia Macrossan

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