Frog Finds a Place


Sally Morgan and Ezekiel Kwaymullina (text), Dub Leffler (illus.) Frog Finds a Place, Omnibus Books/Scholastic, Nov 2015, 32pp., $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 978 1 74299 023 1

Since Frog was a tadpole he has loved Moon and wanted to live in the skies with Moon and the stars. When he becomes a frog he asks several animals how he might get to the moon. All offer possible solutions, which Frog tries without success. It is owl that has the answer.

Although the concept of this picture book is not a new one, a character trying to reach the moon, the delivery, characters and plot are unique. The language is expressive and effective, with wonderful use of onomatopoeia (whoomp and snap) and description, “He frog-kicked back up again. He swam among the shimmery, watery stars”.

The watercolour illustrations exhibit various soft shades of greens, blues and yellows, all of various intensities to work in beautifully with the written text. Frog is so very persistent before he realizes what he already has. This would make a delightful lap-reading book with younger children. Highly recommended for all types of libraries and private collections. I predict there will be many re-readings of this gem!

Reviewed by Liz Derouet

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