Book of the Year Older Readers
Entries in this category may be fiction, drama or poetry and should be appropriate in style and content for readers in their secondary years of schooling. Ages 13 – 18 years.
Note: Books in this category are for mature readers and some may deal with particularly challenging themes including violence and suicide. Parental guidance is recommended.
Completely Normal (and Other Lies) by Biffy James Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing
Neverlanders by Tom Taylor (text) and Jon Sommariva (Illustrator) Penguin Books Australia
The Other Side of Tomorrow by Hayley Lawrence Scholastic Australia
Book of the Year Younger Readers
Entries in this category may be fiction, drama or poetry and should be appropriate in style and content for readers from the middle to upper primary years. 7 – 12 years.
Note: Some of the titles in this category may only be suitable for readers who are in the upper primary years as they may contain mature themes, including violence. Parental guidance is recommended.
August & Jones by Pip Harry Hachette Australia
Evie and Rhino by Neridan McMullin Illustrated by Astred Hicks Walker Books Australia
Another review of Evie and Rhino
The Raven’s Song by Zana Fraillon and Bren MacDibble Allen & Unwin
Xavier in the Meantime by Kate Gordon Riveted Press
Runt by Craig Silvey Allen & Unwin
Book of the Year Early Childhood
Entries in this category may be fiction, drama or poetry and should be appropriate in style and content for children who are at pre-reading or early stages of reading. Ages 0 – 6 years.
Bev and Kev by Katrina Germein and Mandy Foot Little Book Press
Jigsaw: A Puzzle in the Post by Bob Graham Walker Books Australia
Lionel and me by Corrine Fenton and Tracie Grimwood New Frontier Press
Market Day by Carrie Gallasch and Hannah Sommerville Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing
Where the Lyrebird Lives by Vikki Conley Illustrated by Max Hamilton Windy Hollow Books
Snap! by Anna Walker Scribe Publications
Picture Book of the Year
Entries in this category should be outstanding books of the Picture Book genre in which the author and illustrator achieve artistic and literary unity or, in wordless texts, where the story, theme or concept is unified through the illustrations. Ages 0 – 18. (Note: Some books may be for mature readers).
Dirt by Sea Illustrated by Tom Jellett, text by Michael Wagner Random Penguin House Australia
Farmhouse by Sophie Blackall Hachette Australia
Frank’s Red Hat by Sean E Avery Walker Books Australia
My Strange Shrinking Parents by Zeno Sworder Thames & Hudson
Our Dreaming illustrated by Dub Leffler, text by Kirli Saunders Scholastic Australia
Paradise Sands: A Story of Enchantment by Levi Pinfold Walker Books Australia
Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
Entries in this category should be books which have the prime intention of documenting factual material with consideration given to imaginative presentation, interpretation and variation of style. Ages 0-18 years.
Note: Books in this category are for mature readers and some may deal with particularly challenging themes including violence and suicide. Parental guidance is recommended.
A is for Australian Reefs by Fane Lessac Walker Books Australia
Amazing Animal Stories by Jennifer Cossins Hachette Australia
Come Together Text by Isaiah Firebrace, illustrated by Jaelyn Buimaiwai, design by Keisha Leon
DEEP: Dive into Hidden Worlds by Jess McGeachin Welback Editions
Opal and Dart Text by Vianne Brian, illustrated by Claire Bradley Forty South Publishing
Wild Australian Life Text by Leonard Cronin, illustrated by Chris Nixon Allen & Unwin
CBCA New Illustrator’s Award
This Award aims to recognise and encourage new talent in the field of Australian children’s book illustration. Ages 0-18 years.
Australia: From dawn to dusk by Brentos Affirm Press
The BEST hiding place Illustrated by Sylvia Morris, text by Jane Godwin Affirm Press
Naturopolis Illustrated by Ingrid Bartkowiak, text by Deborah Frenkel Storytorch Press
There’s no such book Illustrated by Jake A Minton, text by Jessica Dettmann Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing
Tiny wonders Illustrated by Sally Soweol University of Queensland Press
We are Australians Illustrated by Jandamarra Cadd, text by Duncan Sith and Nicole Godwin Wild Dog Books