We are Australians

Duncan Smith and Nicole Godwin (text) and Jandamarra Cadd (illustrator), We Are Australians, Wild Dog Books, March 2022, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781742036328


What does it meant to be a citizen of Australia? Australia is home to all people of different walks of life, and all these aspects are brought to life through the vivid words and the emotive imagery displayed in We Are Australians. Each word and stroke of art is simple but realistic, and reflects the true colours and textures of Australian people and the land on which we share. 

Much praise goes to Duncan Smith and Nicole Godwin, the authors who contribute the core messages. Smith is an Indigenous elder enriched by his cultural practices and connections to the land. In collaboration with Godwin, a multi-award-winning author, the pair have expressed their sentiments with captivating and important words. The text in this story are short but powerful phrases. Each word is meaningful and conveys what can be seen as the core values of Australians. Against the opaque background, the simple statements feel powerful and true.   

Jandamarra Cadd brings the words to life with his beautiful artwork. His expressive portraitures of the human condition work seamlessly to bridge the storytelling gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. Throughout the picture book, readers are exposed to a myriad of colour representing diversity and emotional authenticity. Cadd uses various blends of traditional aboriginal art techniques and contemporary methods to bring his images to life.  

I absolutely adored this picture book. The strong text coupled with the expressive illustrations balance the importance of honouring the history and culture of first nations people. Changes to ‘Closing the Gap’ between first nations people and other Australians is slow, but it is happening. From cover to cover, I was inspired by both word and imagery to reflect, to be more thoughtful, committed, and compassionate as an Australian citizen and think about my responsibilities to other Australians and to the land itself. 

Picture books are for all ages – We Are Australians is for everyone! Being Australian citizens, we simply think of it as a right to vote and a different coloured passport. However, for the hundreds of thousands of First Nations people, it is something so much more meaningful. I recommend this beautiful read to all people who know the uniqueness of Australia’s story, have the privileged to call Australia home and know their responsibilities as citizens of Australia.  

Reviewed by Anna Tran 

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