
Deborah Frenkel (text) and Ingrid Bartkowiak (illustrator), Naturopolis, Storytorch, September 2022, 32 pp., RRP $26.95 (hbk), ISBN 9780645191530

Naturopolis, Deborah Frenkel’s first picture book, is an introduction for young readers to small flora and fauna which can be found in urban areas. Frenkel has limited her comments to commonplace locations and to everyday species, combining fact and fiction, using lyrical language. She starts looking at the urban landscape with a gravel ant (not a name I am familiar with in Tasmania) and we trace his return to the nest with his piece of food for the colony. On the way are included dandelions, moss, wild fennel huntsman spiders and small lizards. Each double page introduces the species, gives a brief summary of it and shows it in context.  

Bartkowiak’s illustrations which complement the verbal text, are realistic, hand painted in watercolour and gouache and these will help the young reader find the plant or animal as they wander outside. The depiction of the ant city as the wandering gravel ant returns should excite many young readers. 

I was disappointed that the ‘glossary’ page (not named as such) does not include extra information but is a repeat of what has already been included.  

A good introduction for readers but I think it could have been more. 

Reviewed by Maureen Mann 

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