Spud and Charli

spud and charli

WHEELER, Samantha Spud and Charli UQP, 2014 154pp $14.95 pbk ISBN 9780702250187 SCIS 1671941

The perfect novel for horse-loving young girls, this is the story of Charli’s first riding camp.  The opening chapters rehearse details that will be of great interest to this cohort, from how to groom a horse, to the early riding lessons.  Interspersed with these facts are accounts of the usual social difficulties young girls may experience at such camps when they are sharing accommodation and have to get along.  However the big twist to the story comes with the introduction of bats and the risk of Hendra virus, especially when Charli thinks her horse has been infected.  There is an excellent glossary of details about the virus and how to behave should someone encounter it.  No illustrations except for small drawings at each chapter head.  Ages 7-10.

reviewed by Elizabeth Douglas

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