The Odds

Matt Stanton, The Odds, ABC Books, October 2020, 208pp., RRP $14.99 (pbk), ISBN 9780733340635

The Odds is the first of a series of illustrated chapter books, written and illustrated by the author of the ‘Funny Kid’ series, Matt Stanton.

We’re introduced to Kip who clearly likes keeping to herself. This becomes tricky for her when her bedroom is invaded by the Odds. These odd bod creatures also look very familiar. Kip soon realises her Dad’s cartoon drawings have come to life and she needs to find a way to get them back onto the page. But how?

Things get interesting when the Odds escape into the busy city showcasing their own unique skills to the puzzled city folk. Meanwhile, Kip has an idea to take the Odds to school to show her mean classmates a thing or two about how cool being ‘odd’ is.

This is a funny, heart felt story embracing diversity which can help kids realise that being ‘odd’ is okay as this is what makes us all special. There is an ‘odd’ character for every reader to connect and fall in love with. My favourite was the dim unicorn with a missing bottom who would find things to ‘plug in’ to fill the hole in his backside.

Perfect for kids age 7+ moving off school readers seeking humour or simply a fun, engaging quick read.

Reviewed by Stef Gemmill

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