Pip and Pim


Aunty Ruth Hegarty (text) Sandi Harrold (illus) Pip and Pim  Scholastic Australia,  1 Oct 2015,  24pp.,  $14.99 (pbk),  ISBN 9781760151973

Narrative and illustrations work together vividly to introduce the creatures of the Australian bush that come out at night. It is the story of Pip and Pim, ringtail possums, setting out, down from the tree where they live, for their first exploration of the forest floor. They meet an echidna and bandicoots and upset a nesting plover that flies at them screeching.

Children looking at the pictures and hearing the story will feel as though they are out in the dark bush and be relieved everything ends happily. Aunty Ruth Hegarty pinpoints the qualities of the bush and its creatures and tells the story in a way that allows an audience to feel very connected to the setting and characters. Sandi Harrold uses strong colours and shapes to bring the bush at night so alive.

Reviewed by Elspeth Cameron

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