Our Baby


Margaret Wild (text),  Karen Blair (illus.),  Our Baby,  Working Title Press,  32pp.,  $24.99 (hbk),  ISBN 9781921504785

The title is a little misleading because this picture book is about all sorts of babies in different families doing a variety of activities. Each situation is always concluded by stating what ‘our baby’ does but this is not the focus of the book. It is more of a general overview of the life of babies rather than a close look at a girl and her baby sibling, even though these two appear on the cover and title page.

The text and illustrations are almost painfully politically correct and culturally inclusive.  It starts by listing the types of parents that a baby may have – two mothers, two fathers, one mother and one father, a mother with absent father. A father with a baby and an absent mother is not mentioned, a situation so sensitively explored in Mahalia by Joanne Horniman. I know a reviewer has to look at what is there and not talk about what isn’t, although books that are mainly lists of things and slight on story say as much about what is omitted as what is included.  The babies here are taken to all sorts of places, do different movements, like different things – you get the idea.

There is gentle humour, love and a deep knowledge of baby life demonstrated in the pictures. All the babies here are happy little vegemites, the illustrations are well placed and balanced on each page enhanced by the soft natural colours. Each spread can be a starting point for talking to a young child about families, activities and life and general. In a way is a first attempt at comparing and contrasting; at looking at your own world and that of others. The fact that Wild always brings it back to one particular family who revel in their new baby gives this book a warm glow. A joyous book celebrating the life of babies.

Teachers’ Notes are available from Working Title Press.

reviewed by Mia Macrossan

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