We’re All Australians Now

were all australians now

A B (Banjo) Patterson (text),   Mark Wilson (illus.), We’re All Australians Now, HarperCollins, 23 March 2015,  32pp.,  $24.99,  ISBN 9780732296476

Andrew Barton Patterson (1864-1941) was known as A B Patterson or Banjo Patterson. He was a journalist, an author, a war correspondent, a solicitor and a soldier, but he most famously became one of Australia’s favourite poets.  In 1915 he wrote a poem called We’re all Australians Now, as a letter to the Australian troops fighting in WWI in Gallipoli and the Dardanelles.  Even though Patterson wrote this poem 100 years ago, it is still a popular choice for inclusion in ANZAC Day and Remembrance services.  We’re all Australians Now reflects Australia’s national honour in 1915 and praises the brave soldiers who came from all facets of the Australian community to fight under the Australian flag.

Australia takes her pen in hand,

To write a line to you

To let you fellows understand,

How proud we are of you.

Multi-talented illustrator Mark Wilson has taken this poem and created this outstanding version of We’re all Australians Now in picture book format.  Wilson’s clever collage layouts of sketches and oil paintings brilliantly bring this poem to life by showing us a reflection of everyday life in 1915.

I recommend this book for kids aged 4-8.

reviewed by Wendy Fitzgerald  

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