Marita’s Best of 2016

Reviewer Marita shares her picks of 2016’s reading…

The Sidekicks by Will Kostakis

My favourite contemporary YA of the year. I loved the ensemble of interesting characters, central to which are three young men, each missing his best mate (the same mate) in a different way, and trying to come to terms with his sudden death.


The Call by Peadar O’Guilin

It was exciting to read this excellent dystopian young adult story which will surely have a big impact in the coming year. The Irish setting and folklore are twisted into a survival situation where all youth are at risk and must be strong and ready to fight. This is a great thriller.


A Single Stone by Meg McKinlay

This one had me from the first page. I was pulled into an amazing world where it is not magic but circumstance, tradition and community that define the fantasy.

A bit about reviewer Marita Thomson…

Marita is a high school teacher librarian and formerly worked as an English teacher and then in public libraries, before finding the dream job. She has been running a year 7 and 8 book group for five years and still smiles at the amazing things boys have to say about books, and how much some of them can eat in an hour.

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