I Want My Daddy!


Tracey Corderoy (text) Alison Egson (illus) I Want My Daddy!,  Little Tiger Press,  4 May 2015,  32pp.,  $32.99 (hbk) ISBN 9781848690493

No real surprises in the story line. Arthur the young mouse is pretending to be a knight and things go awry – his cardboard castle keeps tumbling down, he hurts himself chasing baddies away on his broomstick horse and at the park he fishes a monster out of the water. Throughout all the events his cry of “I want my daddy” brings his patient father to the rescue with practical advice and assistance. The ending provides a satisfying outcome. The cute illustrations are well laid out and there are details on most pages to enable further interaction with the story. Suitable for reading to very young children.

Reviewed by Julie Long

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