Kylie Howarth, Fish Kid and the Lizard Ninja, Walker Books Australia, February 2019, 144 pp., RRP $14.99 (pbk), ISBN 9781760650810
Fish Kid and the Lizard Ninja is actually a superhero origin story of a different kind. Bodhi lives on a boat, with his Dad, a marine biologist and his Mum an underwater photographer.
They take him on all their trips, but Bodhi isn’t as much a fan of the water and fishes as they are. On this particular trip, he finds himself left behind on a boat with the captain’s daughter, Emely. She’s a vivacious and mischievous character, prone to playing pranks on Bodhi – like putting seawater in his water bottle.
However, she tries to make peace with him by making him a smoothie – and includes a sea cucumber that his father found. And so Fish Kid is borne.
Or rather, thrown overboard and stranded on an island with Emely where he discovers his very cool powers.
This is a book is funny, with Bodhi a relatable voice in a fantastical story. While he starts the book wary of fish and the sea, his new-found powers provide the magic of the world his parents love.
The book also is filled with information about the creatures Bodhi sees and his parents find, and makes readers aware of the environmental issues facing the world’s oceans.
Reviewed by Versuhka Byrow