Bots and Bods

John Andrews, Bots and Bods: How Robots and Humans Work, from the Inside Out, CSIRO Publishing, March 2021, 96 pp., RRP $27.99 (pbk), ISBN 9781486314690

This browsable information book for readers 8 -12 years explores similarities and differences between people and robots. It covers chapters on anatomy, movement, senses, and thinking/emotions, and ends with speculation about our ongoing relationship into the future.

Pages feature accessible design elements including coloured line illustrations and break-out fact boxes titled Try This, Fantastic Fact and Think About This. Useful diagrams help to explain some of the more complex concepts such as electrical energy and how ears work. Back matter includes an Index and answers to questions posed throughout the book.

Bots and Bods is an entertaining and engaging examination of the structure and function of people and robots, and how the two compare. It may be especially appealing to students with an inclination towards STEM topics.

Teacher Notes connecting to the Years 4-8 curriculum are available from the publisher’s website.

Reviewed by Julie Murphy

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