Best Books of 2019: Heather Gallagher

Best Adult Fiction: The Giver of Stars by Jo Jo Moyes

A gripping read about librarians on horseback in Kentucky in the 1930s. This book celebrates female friendship and books – two of my favourite things in the world. Then there was romance and a murder mystery. A wonderful read!

Best YA: On the Come Up by Angie Thomas

I read this before The Hate U Give and loved being immersed in the world of black America and all that entailed. I then gobbled up The Hate U Give which was a darker read but equally satisfying. Angie Thomas is a great writer! This story of a young creative trying to make her way in the nebulous music world greatly appealed.

Our review

Best Middle Grade fiction: Guts by Raina Telgemeier

I love Telgemeier’s graphic novels for young readers and Guts captured the tween experience which is her forte. In Guts she drew on her childhood experience of undiagnosed gut pain and related anxiety in the context of middle school. Familiar topics for this age group – mean girls, cute boys, overly concerned parents – were all covered with humour and grace.

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