The announcement of the Book of the Year Awards was made on Friday August 18 2023 starting at midday. A list of the winners can be downloaded here as a pdf file (added when available), and there is a lot of other information available here about each book as well. The announcement was made via a video streaming through the CBCA YouTube channel and can be viewed here.
*Each book is linked to its Reading Time review or if no review, directly to Booktopia.
Book of the Year: Older Readers
Entries in this category may be fiction, drama or poetry and should be appropriate in style and content for readers in their secondary years of schooling. Ages 13-18 years (NB: These books are for mature readers and some may deal with particularly challenging themes including violence and suicide. Parental guidance is recommended).

Book of the Year: Younger Readers
Entries in this category may be fiction, drama or poetry and should be appropriate in style and content for readers from the middle to the upper primary years. Ages 7 – 12 years (NB: Some of the titles in this category may only be suitable for readers who are in the upper primary years as they contain mature themes including violence. Parental guidance is recommended).

Book of the Year: Early Childhood
Entries in this category may be fiction, drama or poetry and should be appropriate in style and content for children who are at pre-reading or early stages of reading. Ages 0-6 years.

Picture Book of the Year
Entries in this category should be outstanding books of the Picture Book genre in which the author and illustrator achieve artistic and literary unity or, in wordless picture books, where the story, theme or concept is unified through illustrations. Ages 0-18 years (NB. Some of these books may be for mature readers).

Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
Entries in this category should be books which have the prime intention of documenting factual material with consideration given to imaginative presentation, interpretation and variation of style. Ages 0-18 years.

CBCA Award for New Illustrator