A Lion is a Lion

Polly Dunbar, A Lion is a Lion, Walker Books Australia, 1 Feb 2018, 40pp., $24.99 (hbk), ISBN: 9781406371536

This fun read aloud picture book asks if a lion is still a lion when he wears a hat, carries an umbrella, and takes part in other human type activities. The lion invites himself into the home of two children, and to lunch. The two young children finally decide to stand up to the lion, with surprising results.

Full-page illustrations invite the young audience to take part in this fun theatrical picture book. The metafictional nature further encourages audience participation by asking questions. Use of colour, line and direction are brilliant, and Dunbar’s positioning of characters, as if they are moving across the page, add to the progression of the narrative.

This book is read aloud fun at its best and would be perfect for a story time or pre-school read aloud. Polly Dunbar’s work is well known for its quality and perfection, this will be an absolute favourite for years to come.

Reviewed by Liz Derouet


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