I am the Wolf … and Here I Come!


GUETTIER, Bénédicte I am the Wolf… and Here I Come! Gecko Press, 2014 NZ$19.99 bdbk ISBN 9781877579424 SCIS 1675226

I can just see this little pre-school child with his/her eyes wide open after the parent introduces the big, bad wolf and, as each page is turned over, the parent’s voice rises with drama and excitement whilst sharing the story of the wolf putting on its underpants, T-shirt, socks, trousers, red top, boots, hat and great big coat (with each sentence and double page spread repeating the same format) until finally the parent exclaims ‘I’m coming to get you,’ and the child shouts with laughter and horror.  Why?  Because the parent holds the child tight and pretends to gobble him/her up.  Grrrrrrrrrr!  This is a great introduction into the Gothic.  Smile.  As the back cover puts it: ‘Yum!  Yum!  Snap the book shut to keep the wolf inside.’

reviewed by John McKenzie

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