Why Can’t I Be a Dinosaur?

Kylie Westaway (text),  Tom Jellett (illus.), Why Can’t I be a Dinosaur?, Allen & Unwin, Sept 2017, 32pp.,  $24.99 (hbk),  ISBN: 9781760294724

This is an amusing story about a familiar family drama:  Nellie is happy to be a flower girl at her aunt’s wedding but only if she can wear her dinosaur outfit.  Her good purple dress is no longer her favourite colour, and she does not mind a bit if she is the only one dressed as a dinosaur.  After much persuasion she finally agrees to wear her dress over the green costume complete with scales, claws and tail.

The illustrations are large and colourful, the somewhat exaggerated expressions making everyone’s feelings very clear. Suitable for ages 4-6.

Reviewed by Elizabeth Douglas

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