The Incredible Runaway Snot

Josh Pyke and Heath McKenzie, The Incredible Runaway Snot, Scholastic, November 2020, 24 pp., RRP $17.99, ISBN 9781760971083

Eric is the hero in the nose. All snots look up to him for advice when in doubt. Stressed by so many questions, Eric opens a school for snots. Training them hard, making sure they are ready for any finger attack that may happen at any time.

I think that fathers would enjoy reading this to their children. I think it would want to make some kids look up their nose. Although I hope it doesn’t tempt them to pick their noses!

The illustrations by Heath McKenzie are amazing. All the pictures are simple, big, and bold, which would appeal to young kids. I love all the designs; they are so detailed even though they are just snot. I think that kids over three would really enjoy this.

Reviewed by Jasmine Tran (age 12)

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