The Stinky Street Stories

Alex Ratt (text),  Jules Faber (illus.),  The Stinky Street Stories,  Pan Macmillan Australia,  28 March 2017,  192pp.,  $14.99 (pbk),  ISBN: 9781743539026

So gross… but I loved it!

The conversations are typical of boys and I have a clear image of Brian and Nerf interacting as they try different acts of vengeance that are doomed to failure. As the reader, you know they haven’t got a hope of success and you can see every wrong move, but these guys don’t give up.

In the first story Brian, who tries desperately to get everyone to call him Brain, wakes up on Sunday morning to the worst smell ever. His room has a lot of smells to be worried about but this pong is not that easy to find. He calls his best mate, Nerf, to help find and destroy the horrible stench and on their hunt end up spreading even more sickening smells through the house. Think of every stinky thing you know and enjoy each dilemma as Brian and Nerf come across it in these stories.

The cover by Jules Faber is a standout flouro orange and bound to catch the eye of kids in the library or adults looking for a gift at the book store. Jules’ illustrations are simple and effective in black and white, excellent in depicting each putrid situation and facial expression with a few strokes of the pen. From sticking carrots up noses to tiptoeing around cow patties, Jules’ work complements Alex’s text perfectly. The length of the stories, the font, spacing of paragraphs and internal layout of the book is pleasing and would be helpful to reluctant readers.

Kids 7yrs+ will devour this book quick smart! Great read aloud stories with lots of interaction.

Reviewed by Sharon Smith

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