See Monkey

Sophie Masson (text), Kathy Creamer (illus.),  See Monkey, Little Pink Dog Books, 1 May 2018, 32pp.,  $24.95 (hbk),  ISBN: 9780994626981

This story captures the essence of toddlerhood. From the moment eyes open antics ensue with toddler and his favourite toy Monkey playing, eating, dancing, and mischief making their way throughout the day. All before heading back to the comfort of bed before beginning their adventures together again tomorrow.

I can definitely relate to the chaos of toddler and Monkey’s day. Having boys of my own I understand the pandemonium which surrounds their days as they investigate, play, learn and explore their world.

The illustrations are bright and representative of childhood; whether that is the fun and adventures of the children, or the busy and sometimes chaotic perspective of the parents, siblings and neighbours.

This book is suited to young audiences and provides the opportunity to explore imagination while also introducing consequences for our behaviour and actions. The themes are varied and could include friendship, humour, family, routine, and adventure.

Reviewed by Raquel Mayman

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