See Hear

Tania McCartney (text), Jess Racklyeft (illus), See Hear,  EK Books,  April  2018,  32pp., $24.99 (hbk),  ISBN 9781921966675

See Hear is the sequel to the award winning Smile Cry. It is a ‘Flip the Book’ beginner’s book of senses. Three characters, Piglet, Bunny and Cat explore all the wonderful things they love to see, and halfway through the book we flip the book over to discover what they love to hear. This is a refreshingly different ‘beginner’s book’. It is not prescriptive, rather the creative descriptive language allows the reader to use their imagination to interpret and connect to the concepts and experiences. The fanciful pastel illustrations support and extend the text and the characters have a familiar cuddly toy appeal. Perfect for preschoolers and early childhood years. Teachers will love discussing the rich language: metaphor, alliteration and onomatopoeia and there are also opportunities for writing.

Teacher’s Notes are available on the EK Books website.

Reviewed by Sharon Seymour


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