Our House is Round

Yolanda Kondonassis (text) and Joan Brush (illustrator), Our House is Round, Scholastic Australia, May 2019, 48 pp., RRP $15.99 (pbk), ISBN 9781760664749

An informative book about our earth and how we are responsible for its growth and change. Throughout the pages questions are asked of the audience regarding what they could and would do as custodians of the world.

With questions, statements and illustrations that encourage discussion and wonder, this book encourages curious minds to explore the impact which humans have on the earth; and potentially lead to problem solving strategies.

This book delivers important information and understanding for children in a narrative type conversation by providing facts and explanations various environmental issues; including climate change, pollution, and recycling.

Children will be guided in navigating ‘why protecting earth matters’ with the support of this book.

Reviewed by Raquel Mayman

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