Moon Attack; Robot Games

Candice LEMMON SCOTT(text) Celeste Hulme (illus.) Moon Attack 113pp ISBN 9781925059090 SCIS 1675362; Robot Games 110pp ISBN 9781925059120 New Frontier (Jake in Space), 2014 $14.99 pbk

Moon Attack is the exciting first book of this series.  Set in the year 4040, eleven year old Jake lives on a space station with his parents.  Having failed his Space Car Driving licence many times Jake is sent to remedial driving school on the moon where he is put under the care of triple ace pilot Cradock.  There Jake makes friends with children from other planets, including Henry the cyborg who works for the Central Intergalactic Agency.  The friends discover an underground space station being run by Cradock who plans to destroy the Earth and the Moon and together they foil the plot.  The action continues in the third book of the series, Robot Games, where the group discover a network of robots programmed to take over the solar system.  Jake and his friends must find and cut off the power source for these super robots before they fulfil their destructive mission.

These are novels both boys and girls will enjoy.  Divided into short chapters, the pace is fast and the well-told stories are full of action, suspense and excitement.  With attractive and eye-catching covers and a slightly larger than normal typeface they are appealing books for young readers between 7 to 12 years old.  Reluctant readers may enjoy the space themes, excitement and technology.  The small black and white sketches skilfully complement the text, and the drawings on the bottom of every page can be flicked to make a moving space montage.  Candice Lemon-Scott has created a group of likable characters who are set to take part in a growing series of space adventures.  A further three installments in the series are due for release soon and will be awaited by fans with eager anticipation.

reviewed by Grace Nolan


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