Meet Kat Patrick

Kat and DCToday we are happy to be part of a blog tour introducing Kat Patrick to Australian audiences. Thanks to Scribe Publications for allowing us to interview Kat. We actually reviewed I am Doodle Cat last year when it was published in New Zealand, but will have another review up soon for the Australian release. Welcome Kat! To Australia and to Reading Time. I am Doodle Cat written by Kat Patrick and illustrated by Lauren Marriott was published on 28 March this year.

What would you like Australians to know about you?

That I really like Australians.

Tell us about your writing career. Why do you choose to write for children? What elements are most crucial for you in children’s books?

Kids are smarter than adults. They know it. We know it. Writing for them is the  ultimate challenge. When you get it wrong, they won’t be shy. I think everyone underestimates how hard it is to write for children when you aren’t one anymore. I wish I’d started my career at age 5.

Are you a doodler yourself? Why do you espouse the benefits of doodling?

I am a chronic doodler. An advocate, even. I think when you have a busy brain, doodling is a great way to let the mind have a moment to wander, and reach new and interesting corners.doodlecatcoveroz

Give us some insight into your collaboration with illustrators.

Lauren and I were the creative cliche. We didn’t need to explain much to each  other, just nodded and laughed a lot. We were on the same page, literally. Sometimes I think it’s a wonder we got anything done. Thankfully Doodle Cat is a determined fellow.

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