How do you say I Love You?

Ashleigh Barton (text) and Martina Heiduczek (illustrator), How Do You Say I Love You?, ABC Books, August 2022, 32 pp., RRP $22.99 (hbk), ISBN 9780733342172

Barton and Heiduczek have previously collaborated on the popular books What Do You Call Your Grandpa?, What Do You Call Your Grandma? and What Do You Do to Celebrate? 



Their new collaboration is a delightfully inclusive picture book introducing young children to the many ways we say ‘I love you’ around the world. 

Each bright double spread shows children going about their day, and saying ‘I love you’ in their native language (including Auslan). Heiduczek’s illustrations are full of movement and detail – perfect for little ones to pore over. I loved the different perspectives she uses, making the reader feel immersed in the pictures.  

At the back of the book each language is listed with a brief background given. If I could, I would suggest a pronunciation guide be added for future editions. 

How Do You Say I Love You would be a perfect addition for pre-school, primary school and public libraries, and would make a thoughtful gift.   

Recommended for 4+ by the publisher, but I think it’s suitable for all ages! 

Reviewed by Gaby Meares 

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