Elizabella Breaks a Leg

Zoë Norton Lodge (text) and Georgia Norton Lodge (illustrator), Elizabella Breaks a Leg, Walker Books, September 2020, 224 pp., RRP $14.99 (pbk), ISBN 9781760652555

Elizabella Breaks a Leg is a fine fourth addition to the Elizabella series of novels for middle primary readers. The title, along with the cover line – “When things go wrong, just flip the script” – set the scene for a school play adventure, in Elizabella’s fourth term of Year Four. 

The story includes a solid cast of characters, with family, best friends, and teachers. All are well drawn within the text, and very identifiable. The illustrations, sprinkled throughout, are black and white, cartoonish, and rough-and-ready, reflecting the humour of the story. In contrast, the cover is colourful, bright and happy. 

This is a fast-paced story, which covers a lot of territory besides the play. Elizabella’s best friend, Minnie, is leaving town at the end of the year; her father is falling in love with friend Huck’s mum; her teen brother is experiencing first love; her school pranks must be reined in if Principal Gobblefrump is to allow the play; Elizabella writes the play herself; and there is even a touch of magic realism in the character of Larry the Lizzard, who speaks to Elizabella’s family and longs to be heard.  

I enjoyed this book immensely. Intelligently and sensitively written, there is lots of fun and silliness here, but also a great deal of heart. The young reader is truly honoured by this author. 

Reviewed by Marita Thomson 

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