Easy peasy!

Ky Garvey (text) and Amy Calautti (illustrator), Easy peasy!, EK Books, February 2023, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781922539441

When Ruby receives a pair of shiny, sparkly, red roller skates for her birthday she thinks it will be ‘easy peasy!’

Ruby is insistent on doing it herself but soon realises that it’s ok to accept the help of others. With her dad’s help Ruby masters the new and tricky skill of roller skating.

This book explores themes of resilience, persistence and perseverance, determination, independence, goal setting, and relationships. But also focuses on the valuable lesson of accepting or asking for help when you need it.

The colourful and vibrant illustrations are full of movement and expression. I particularly love the rainbow which follows Ruby’s roller skates across the pages, highlighting the magical gliding feeling of skating.

Reviewed by Raquel Mayman

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