The Complete Adventures of Figaro and Rumba

Anna Fienberg (text),  Stephen Michael King (illus.),  The Complete Adventures of Figaro and Rumba,  Allen & Unwin,  Jan 2017,  184pp.,  $16.99 (pbk),  ISBN 9781760292997

Figaro is a rather disreputable-looking dog, and Rumba a more elegant cat. In these stories they are led astray by a tricky crocodile, rescue a group of cats, take off in Marta’s car – and see it crash, and set up a cafe where Marta (a smartly dressed dog) and Dora (a sweet kitten) sing and dance. Other characters include Nate, a possum with a knack for mechanics, and Rolando, a sloth who cleans the cafe, but who eventually finds a new vocation.

This is good material for early readers. The stories and engaging, and the language easy. The illustrations are humorous. Figaro and Rumba dare to challenge the obvious, they look after each other and have much fun in the process. All good things to talk about with young readers.

Reviewed by Stella Lees

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