
Sha’an d’Anthes, BanditsLothian Children’s Books, September 2020, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9780734419675 

Bandits tells the story of Fern, who lives in a black and white world where nothing grows, nothing changes. She loves the stories of old times when trees and plants and animals thrived. That is no more. Until something happens in this grey world, and Fern must find out who has scattered rubbish all through their neat and tidy town… Bandits, they must be! 

This book is accompanied by vibrant and enticing illustrations which are equally important to the text. This, together with the strong environmental message, make it a relevant read for young readers interested in how they can help heal our world.  

Aimed at readers 4+, I also recommend this for early readers in primary school who can expand on the concepts of environmental protection and regeneration.  

Bandits by Sha’an d’Anthes would sit alongside similar works are Tai Snaith and Oliver Jeffers.  

Reviewed by Belinda Raposo 

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