Yanga Mother

Cheryl Leavy (text) and Christopher Bassi (illustrator), Yanga Mother, University of Queensland Press, July 2024, 28 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9780702268311

It is lovely to read and see Yanga Mother in two languages, Kooma and English. The artwork from Meriam and Yupungathi artist Christopher Bassi is stunning. The words from Kooma and Nguri Nations Cherly Leavy are simple and beautiful about motherly love. The Sharing Language translation of Kooma and English is valuable.

There is a bit of a disconnect between the simple picture book and the message for older readers. This message is deeply felt, rich in details and empathy. There is always mother, no matter the distance between us in place and time. In the beginning she carries us, then we carry her, in our blood and in our hearts. We are forever connected.

However, the picture book opens the opportunity for parents and teachers to open discussion with younger students about There is always Mother.

Suits ages 3 plus. Teaching notes are available at the publisher’s website.

Highly recommended.

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