Where are all the Christmas beetles?

Suzanne Houghton, Where are all the Christmas beetles? CSIRO Publishing, November 2023, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781486316090

CSIRO Publishing produces excellent information picture books for young readers and this one is no exception. Written in verse and illustrated by Suzanne Houghton, this beautiful book describes these creatures but goes on to explain that their numbers are declining. However, scientists don’t know why.

The endpapers are covered with many beetles and the artist has even managed to convey their metallic and opalescent colouring. A double-page spread towards the end of the book gives scientific information including their biology, lifecycle and habitat. The final double page contains a glossary and some beetles wandering across the white space.

The verse is well-written with good scansion and rhyme and the text flows along nicely, especially when read aloud. This title would be a great addition to any library – home, educational or public.

Reviewed by Lynne Babbage

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