Blake Nuto, When You’re a Boy, Affirm Press, July 2023, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hb), ISBN 9781922863652
When You’re a Boy is a sensitive and emotive exploration of the relationship between a boy and his father. Challenging traditional stereotypes of masculinity, the story shows that a satisfactory balance can be achieved between notions of predetermined masculine traits and behaviours, and the infinite happiness that can be gleaned from being present in the moment and marveling at the beauty that surrounds us all.
When you’re a boy you are told how to be
like the white-roaring oceans.
But I’ve learned
the fierceness of flowers
the glory of colour
and the beauty of dreaming.
Wander through forests, cross rivers and climb mountains in this powerful and moving exploration of what it means to be a boy. Readers are invited to join the father and son duo as they discover …the brilliance of being.
A powerful and moving exploration of what it means to be a boy from an exciting and talented new author-illustrator, Blake Nuto. When You’re a Boy highlights the contrast between the tempest and the calm of life. When you’re a boy you might be told how to be like the sure-standing mountains, the cruel-clawing wilds, or the white-roaring ocean. Nuto acknowledges lessons that a boy is taught to stand strong and steadfast, against all odds, be impervious to potential threats and harness the sheer might of the white roaring ocean when required. And yet he juxtaposes these notions with an understanding that there is another side, that of simply being. There is the falsehood of fighting, the strong shield of slowly, or the strength of contentment, the courage of patience.
When You’re a Boy is a well written story using an economy of words that skilfully capture the special bond between father and son, and the lessons that will serve the boy well in his transition to manhood. There is a palpable purity of thought and experiences, shared between the two, combined with an unapologetic depth of raw emotion evident in the story. With every spread of pages, readers will experience the emotions that come from the joy of dancing, the pleasure of contentment to understanding the wisdom of waiting.
Nuto’s illustrations complement the text beautifully. With bold strokes and muted hues, a complete immersion in the here and now is powerfully conveyed. This book is sure to become a guide on how to just be…
Recommended for ages 6+
Reviewed by Julie Deane