Unforgiven (Fallen #5)


Lauren Kate,  Unforgiven (Fallen #5), Corgi/Random House Australia,  10 Nov 2015,  368pp.,  $19.99 (pbk),  ISBN 9780552566100

This is the 5th book in the Fallen series. Cam is a fallen angel whose sole purpose these last six millennia has been to follow a pair of doomed lovers throughout their various incarnations, and try to sway Lucinda to the devil. But now the curse is broken and the lovers are free, and Cam is at a loss. His thoughts return to a mortal girl he loved and left three millennia ago, and he asks one of the angels he knows how things are for her now, in Heaven. But Lilith isn’t in Heaven, she’s in Hell, and has been for three thousand years. The current version of her hell is a high school in a small town where she is poor and friendless. Cam makes a deal with Lucifer – if he can make Lilith fall in love with him again in 2 weeks, then she can go free. The only problem is, although she doesn’t remember Cam, she hates him.

Although this is a series book, it does stand alone and makes sense without having read the other books. It is fairly standard paranormal romance fare – boy meets girl, they fall in love, something tears them apart, they get back together, the paranormal secret one of them has is finally revealed, happy ending. Fans of the genre should enjoy this book, and it will probably do well in public libraries.

Reviewed by Rebecca Kemble


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