This is a School

John Schu (text) and Veronica Miller Jamison (illustrator), This is a School, Walker Books, July 2022, 40 pp, RRP $29.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781536204582 

A school is a place to try, to fail, to explore, to share, to learn, to discover, to ask questions, to come together, to celebrate and more – not just for students but for teachers, librarians, staff, principals, helpers and visitors. 

This upbeat debut title from librarian and former classroom teacher, John Schu, positions school as nurturing, inclusive and trusted hive, buzzing and brimming with activities, discoveries and possibilities. Each person is a valued member and when they come together, hope and healing are possible – an important message with the pandemic not quite out of sight. Jamison’s vibrant watercolour, acrylic and digital collage illustrations match the book’s cheerful tone, inviting readers to take part in a truly transformative community. 

An inspired celebration of school and an ideal read for anyone with the ‘first day of school’ jitters. Bonus: the dustjacket doubles as a delightful poster that depicts the joy of reading. 

Reviewed by Maura Pierlot 

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