There’s a Tiger in the Garden

Lizzy Stewart,  There’s a Tiger in the Garden,  Frances Lincoln/Murdoch Books,  Feb 2017,  40pp.,  $14.99 (pbk),  ISBN 9781847808073

A celebration of imagination and an end to that dreaded phrase “I’m Bored”. Nora’s grandmother gently sends the reader (and Nora) into her strange and delightful garden to see what lives there. Each scene is captured in reassuring retro shades against clear white backgrounds. Stewart populates the pages with an array of imaginary creatures, combining soft classic colours with more modern collage and ‘paint’ techniques and gives a nod to Judith Kerr’s famous visitor who came to tea.
I loved the juxtaposition of Nora being happy to believe in Jeff (her toy giraffe’s) friendship but sceptical of the dragonflies, teeth chattering plants and polar bears they run into. This philosophical book reassures the reader to look outside themselves, that it is acceptable to change your mind and that all sorts of amazing things can happen when you just let go of your preconceptions.
Reviewed by Liz Anelli
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