The Swap


ORMEROD, Jan (text) Andrew Joyner (illus.) The Swap Little Hare, 2013 unpaged $24.95 ISBN 9781921541414 SCIS 1626348

Caroline thinks that her baby brother is smelly, no fun, dribbly and takes up all the room on her mother’s lap.  When Mama decides to swap her new hat ‘for one that is just right,’ Caroline decides to do the same with her baby brother.  Caroline goes into the Baby Shop to exchange her brother for a different baby animal.  After trying out the new babies Caroline discovers that they are ‘No good.’ Ultimately Caroline finds exactly what she is looking for.

Over the years Jan Ormerod has produced many wonderful stories and this one, released since her passing earlier in the year, will please her fans.  Ormerod has developed a realistic story about jealousy and love that readers will identify with.  The Swap made me chuckle and sigh happily in just the right spots.

Joyner’s detailed and expressive illustrations begin the story on the half title and title pages.  His small illustrations surrounded by white space produce delightful vignettes while the city illustrations bleed off the pages, recreating the hustle and bustle of city shops.  Ages 3-7 Highly Recommended LBa

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