McKISSOCK OAM, Dianne (text) Phoebe Bakker (illus.) The Magic of Memories The National Centre for Childhood Grief, 2013 unpaged $35.00 + CD ISBN 9780987470911
Moon is lonely and needs someone that she can talk to. Wind suggests that Sun might be someone she could meet. Wind acts as a facilitator between Moon and Sun to meet in the sky at a special time so they both know that they are not alone.
This is a message story with themes of loneliness, worry and empathy. It uses memories of the Sun to help Moon get though her difficult days.
The book requires re-edit and redesign. The pages are filled with bold designs or coloured backgrounds, making the text difficult to read. The quantities of text on the pages vary, from single sentences to several long paragraphs, creating an uneven pace. I found the storyline confusing as it is, not only a story, but also a message and a guide. LBa