

JARZAB, Anna Tandem Random House (The Many Worlds Trilogy Book 1), 2013 428pp  $19.99 pbk+e ISBN 9780857982995 SCIS 1641870

Tandem explores the concept of parallel universes and what happens if you are moved from one universe to the other very suddenly.  Sasha Lawson, the heroine, is a nice girl who lives with her grandfather and has just had a wonderful time at the prom, in her universe.  At least that was her life until she was kidnapped and taken to another universe to a replace a princess who was about to be married off to prevent a war and has since disappeared.

Sasha’s adventures are very exciting with lots of mystery, gallant heroes, an eccentric scientist and just the right amount of romance.  There are so many twists and turns and unanswered questions that when I got to the end of the book, I knew I had to find out what happened next.  Fortunately Tandem is a trilogy, so I won’t be left in suspense for long.

reviewed by Katy Gerner

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