Peregrines in the City

Andrew Kelly and Sue Lawson (text) and Dean A. Jones (illustrator), Peregrines in the City, Wild Dog, August 2022, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781742036519 

At the back of this handsomely produced picture book is a Falcon Facts page full of interesting and informative details about the Australian Peregrine Falcon.  Did you know that the falcon habitat is quite diverse, nesting on anything from skyscrapers to cliff faces? It is also the fastest of all animals and can reach speeds of up to 300 km per hour and can see prey from 3 kilometres away, making their vision 8 times better than human sight. Peregrine Falcons could also be regarded as modern in their parenting, with both involved in feeding and supporting the eyases (chicks) until they fledge around 39 weeks. 

Also at the back of the book is a vignette about a pair of Peregrine Falcons that has nested in Collins Street, Melbourne, since 1991 and it is this story, that provides the basis for Peregrines in the City. Supported by Dean A. Jones’ beautiful, painterly illustrations that develop and extend the text, we are introduced to a pair of falcons and their growing family as they hunt prey, nest and feed until the chicks are at fledgling stage and leave the nest.  

Andrew Kelly and Sue Lawson build the narrative with skill using short sentences and slowly introducing new terms and language to the young listener/reader contextually so as not to disrupt the story flow. Varying font size and subtle colour variation in text adds to visual interest and readability. 

A terrific book for home or school library. Teacher notes are available on the publisher website.

Suitable for ages 5+ 

Reviewed by Mem Capp 




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