Vanessa Pirotta (text) Cindy Lane (illustrator), Oceans at Night, CSIRO Publishing, June 2024, 32 pp., RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781486317233
This latest scientific picture book from the CSIRO is illustrated in lovely marine tones which beautifully suit the subject matter. The stunning opening endpaper with its luminous jellyfish sets the scene for the rest of the book which shows the reader what a selection of marine animals get up to while they are asleep.
Various types of fish are pictured, along with penguins, squid, plankton, octopuses, whales and turtles. At the end of the book is further information about each of the creatures mentioned – but not the jellyfish. There is also a glossary.
The text is individual sentences with space between each one. Each species has a double-page spread with the illustrations taking up a whole single or double page. There is no conclusion to round off the topic, but the further information section provides a round-up of the contents.
Hopefully this book may spur young readers to find out more about the fascinating creatures within its pages. Can be purchased from the publisher’s website.
Reviewed by Lynne Babbage