Katie Poli (text), Giuseppe Poli (illus.), Marvellous Mummy, Frontier Publishing, 22 April 2018, 28pp., $24.99 (hbk), ISBN: 9781925594188
A colourful and cheery celebration of mums and the important role they play in our lives. Simple yet effective words follow a rhythmic pattern from page to page, accompanied by bright and playful illustrations.
Upon opening this book I knew I was going to enjoy it, just by viewing the introductory illustrations on the endpapers. These include a recipe, calendar, shopping list, a photo of mummy elephant and baby elephant, a cuppa and some yummy muffins. All of which I feel capture my view of a typical mum; and also represent the mum I feel I am to my boys.
Mums encompass many personas and roles just in one day; whether that be the funny and playful mum, the grumpy and grouchy mum, or the friendly and kind mum; they’re all important and special in the lives of their children.
This book is a bright and inviting celebration of mums and how special they are!
Teachers Notes can be found on the Frontier Publishing website.
Reviewed by Raquel Mayman