Let Me Sleep, Sheep!

Meg McKinlay (text) and Leila Rudge (illustrator), Let Me Sleep, Sheep!, Walker Books Australia, March 2019, RRP $24.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781925381887

Let me sleep, sheep is the latest children’s book from the partnership of author Meg McKinlay and author/illustrator Leila Rudge.  Amos is counting imaginary sheep at bedtime. Without warning, they tumble right into his bedroom!

The sassy opinionated sheep don’t hesitate to share how they feel about Amos calling them by numbers. They seize control of Amos’ bedroom, making themselves at home in chaos. Their cajoling soon has Amos doing all manner of activities unsuitable for bedtime.

McKinlay has knack of expressing quirky sheep personalities. Conversations between the cheeky sheep and Amos roll off the tongue when read aloud. Leila Rudge’s illustrations are whimsical and wonderful. She manages to pack Amos’ bedroom full of curious bits and pieces to give curious eyes lots of nooks to explore. The rowdy sheep themselves are distinctly lovable. On each page they are mad mischief makers, lively balls of fluff running riot in tweed coats and snorkels! The illustrations swaddle every page in beautiful soft colour. The entire effect is a funny riot of a tale that also feels like a lullaby.

Let me sleep, sheep feels like a soft wooly cuddle, perfect for naptime, bedtime or anytime you want to giggle, snuggle and snooze.

Reviewed by Angela Brown

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