C.J Ferick (text) and Liza Donnelly (illustrator), Be the Person your Dog Thinks you are, Back Inc., October 2018, 96 pp., RRP $19.99 (hbk), ISBN 9781760641023
Seen from the vantage point of ‘man’s best friend’ and least critical of admirers, his dog, this little book of homilies encourages us to be the kind of person we’d most like to be whether that’s through getting fit and ‘exercising’ regularly, learning to be more ‘patient’ or discovering our light-hearted side and ‘breaking the rules’. Acclaimed New Yorker Magazine cartoonist and writer Liza Donnelly fleshes out Ferick’s sly humour through her funny, gentle and at times poignant images.
A deceptively simple book to ponder, enjoy and perhaps even act on.
Recommended all ages