Kiwi Reviewer Needed

Hey Kiwis!  We’re looking for a New Zealand based reviewer to join the Reading Time review team.

We’re looking for a reviewer to review NZ published titles.  Books will be sent directly to you by the NZ publishers.  You read them, then email us your review to be posted on the Reading Time site.

You don’t have to have a degree in children’s literature, or a background as a teacher or librarian.  We’re looking for someone who is passionate, reliable, has good written communication skills and the ability to write critique and who is committed to “engaging the community with literature for young Australians” – or young New Zealanders, as the case may be!

We can’t pay for reviews, but you will get our undying gratitude, the adulation of Reading Time readers and you get to keep all the books you review.

If you have a few hours to spare each month and would like to join our team of reviewers, please read the Reading Time Editorial Policy, then email your expression of interest to the Reading Time Reviews EditorInclude a sample of your writing (2-3 reviews on any children’s or YA book you like) and some brief information about yourself (your experience with children’s literature, which genres/categories you have the most passion for/knowledge about, etc).

We look forward to reading your expression of interest.

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