The Kingdom of Little Wounds

Kingdom of little wounds

COKAL, Susann The Kingdom of Little Wounds Candlewick, 2013 557pp $24.95 ISBN 9780763666941 SCIS 1647884

This historical fantasy is set in Scandanavia in 1572.  The world is believable and the atmosphere within the Palace and outside its walls is convincingly portrayed.  Life is hard for everyone, with constant threat of war, disease and intrigue.  The reader follows the lives of three women – an aging Queen, a young seamstress and a mute royal nursemaid.  Events which befall them are brutal and terribly unfair.  The plot is complicated to reflect the political intrigue.  Beneath it all is the thread of witchcraft and magic.  Poisoning, madness and celestial observations add to the complexity of life.  The evilness of people who misuse their power is another strong theme and it is this main aspect of the book that places it more in the adult realm.  The sexual abuse in particular is graphic.

reviewed by Julie Long


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