Deborah Abela, Final Storm, Penguin Books Australia, August 2019, 336pp., RRP $16.99 (pbk), ISBN
After climate change and wild weather destroyed their homes, Griffin, Isabella and their friends had finally settled down in New City. As they start at a new school they think their troubles have finally passed, little do they know that they are just beginning.
When the weather becomes even more unpredictable and fierce ice storms batter the city they are forced to temporarily move in with their charming new friend Aleksander. But Griffin has his suspicions about the cause of the wild weather and of the woman who claims to be Isabella’s mother. Friendships are tested and uncertainty is in the air. Will they survive the final storm?
Final Storm is a compelling adventure set in the future, a world where climate change threatens to completely wipe out humanity. It is a real wake up call for addressing climate change, and is extremely appealing to young environmental activists in this day and age, where a future like that in this book is not at all inconceivable. This story explores the depths of friendships and the meaning of family. Final Storm is the third book in the Grimsdon series. I have not read the first two books, and although it was slightly confusing at first I still enjoyed the story and don’t believe it is necessary to read the first two books, although it may be more enjoyable if you do.
An exciting third book in the Grimsdon series, I would recommend Final Storm for anyone 9-12 years of age who likes Sci-Fi adventure books.
Reviewed by Libby Boas. Read Libby’s interview with Deborah here